Chiang Mai Thai

Ever wanted to learn Thai, in Chiang Mai? I did just that from November 2010, returning home in October 2011. If you don't want a headache, start HERE, it will explain the preceding posts. I'm Snap, Stray's other half. COOEE is our (other) travel blog.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Note To Self 1 - Learning Thai(land)

Stop asking the question WHY? your Vivite deodorant not only has a whitening agent in it, but also a UV protection ingredient. Just accept that some people in Thailand might like to walk around with their armpits facing the sun.

Vivite deodorant advertisement  Who knew armpits could be so sexy?

See what else we're up to at Cooee! 


  1. A UV protection ingredient?

    Hmmm... a long shot, but when I was young and frivolous and wanted a tan I'd roll around in odd positons, making sure I was even all over.

    BUT... Thais don't sunbath... so what's up with that?

  2. @Catherine Exactly!!!! and even if they did, who would want a tanned body with white armpits. I reckon the armpit in that video was airbrushed ;)

    My Vivite also comes with a Nano deep repair agent, lol.

  3. I've been studying with a guy that runs the Banpasa school for the last 3 months... pretty solid instruction. Not the most strict teacher in the world but I've learned a lot from him.

    Since he's not well known or easy to find i'll include a link to his website at: learnthaiinchiangmai(at)wordpress(dot)com

    I also had a good experience at Payap University... studying first with Ajarn Om in Thai 1 and then Ajarn Ray in the Thai 2 class. Expensive but you're getting 3 hours a day 5 days a week and the classes are small.

    Tried YMCA for a month and loved that but classes only meet M,W,F for the lower level classes and move pretty slowly. They do offer pretty cheap private instruction too though, which is nice if you don't mind going to them.

    In my experience with those 3 you can't go wrong, just gotta see which one works for you.

  4. @based in Chiangmai Province, thanks for your input and suggestions, I hope it helps someone decide on where to study. For me, I'm brushing up on my very limited Thai vocabulary in preparation for a visit early next year. It will be interesting to see how much I've forgotten and remember.


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