Chiang Mai Thai

Ever wanted to learn Thai, in Chiang Mai? I did just that from November 2010, returning home in October 2011. If you don't want a headache, start HERE, it will explain the preceding posts. I'm Snap, Stray's other half. COOEE is our (other) travel blog.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Learning Thai isn't all about learning Thai

When I started the process of learning Thai in Chiang Mai, I made a conscious decision to separate my experiences from Cooee, our travel blog (nothing like a self indulgent plug, is there). Why? Because frankly, I think, to friends and family back home reading about it would be like a dose of Prozac.

Learning Thai, for me, isn’t all about learning the language. It’s also about realising cultural and bureaucratic differences and similarities. I know many bloggers publish posts about other why should I be any different?

What better way of learning is there than through the experiences, observations, frustrations, blunders and foe pars of others. Most (not all) of the blogs listed are well known in certain circles, but if you’re lost and have stumbled in here by accident (ha ha), you may not have had the pleasure of meeting them.

I’m not even going to try and write a clever story to tie them all into, because I’m, well...lazy! Instead I’ll introduce them with some of my favourite (or relevant) non language posts, accompanied by my two bobs worth.

Thanks to Catherine at Women Learn Thai, the mystery of the Little Red Boxes has been solved.
Martyn at Beyond Mango Juice tackles a Dog Sized Dilemma.
There Are Some Bad Thai Monks, Paul Garrigan points out.
Rikker lets us in on Bureaucracy insanity: What makes a good Thai teacher?
Scientifically Proven: The Good Farang by Absolutely Bangkok
Megan asks Why at Bangkok Reality Smackdown
The Wandering Stray Cat can write, but doesn't partake in conversations, as it visits and revisits parts of extremely rural Thailand.
At the Land of Smiles, the Man Cave is under attack by a Sneaky Thai Woman.
Tom Yam (where are you?) has found Paradise in Thailand and tells us about Courtesy Purchases and the Dog Catcher
Mistakes Were Made by Lani at Tell Thai Heart...she's not alone there!
Transplanting Me is seeing Signs of Change in Chiang Mai
Go East Young Woman, Bangkok to be exact, sees a Sunset from the 41st Floor.
Ever wondered about the ways of the Thai Wai? Mike gives us a few tips at Thailand Blogs.
Brunty, as a teacher, encounters all types of mind boggling scenarios and still has time to follow his Aussie Football. Exams, Cheating, Paperwork and No Time, Isaan Thailand.
...and finally, an inescapable toilet story from The Thai Pirate, Surviving Diarrhea in a Nasty Hong Nam.

For me, simply going shopping can be just as big a learning curve as any.

I know there are a zillion other fantastic blogs out there and I haven't mentioned all the ones I'm stalking...I'll leave the rest for a future post.

Who are you reading when it comes to learning about Thailand? Care to share any 'foot in mouth' situations?


  1. Thanks for the mention Snap. I agree that there are some great blogs about Thailand at the moment - I hope it continues.

  2. Hey Snap, thanks for the mention! :) I also LOVE Greg to Differ, Bangkok Podcast, and Girl Scott Cookies (though I'm biased since she's my new buddy).

  3. Hi Paul, there seems to be another great blog around every corner. For obvious reasons, I favour Thai blogs at the moment, but do follow many others.

    Megan, thanks, I'll definitely check those out...good to hear you have a new buddy ;)


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